Sunday, March 16, 2008


Carlyle Group Doomed To Follow Enron: Is Hedge Fund Collapse Just Tip Of the 9/11 Put Options Scandal & 1700's Pirate Treasure?

It may take a village to raise a village idiot, but it takes trillions to run and maintain a global network of shadow governments. They are in the "shadows" because they consist of a silent network of interconnected global economic families. The elected governments don't run nations...the bureaucrats who are responsible for "enforcing" law and policy or failing to enforce them, run governments.

The problem is...we often have a misconception that the Shadow Government is just an American phenomenon, when in fact, virtually every nation on earth is run and controlled by the exact same group of "Shadow Interests". Their only vulnerability comes from the fact that their enterprise needs trillions of dollars to operate and maintain their control over Government , Education and Media.

The Massive Global Operation is itself a clandestine enterprise. The cash to accomplish their goals must remain off the books and radar screens. They control governments by bankrupting them, just as the US government is functionally bankrupt.

The exact same Catholic/Church of England/Netherlands/Vatican globalists continue to own and control the same pools of wealth they created 500 years ago. Gold doesn't "melt"! As the result of "Liberated-Market" Free-Booting Pirates, a massive "pool of wealth"...provided the "economic bricks" that has now kept their Kings, Gods and families in power for nearly 500 years.

The "Free Market" is a should be called the "Serf Market" with all the common "Working Serfs" putting money back into the companies owned by the exact same feudal Families, Dynasties and Blood Lines as 500 years ago. It's not a free market my friends, it's not even Capitalism...Globalism is "Economic Feudalism"! and we are all in the final throes of "Feudalization". First step, destroy US Manufacturing and outsource top end jobs. Addict the Middle Class to credit..destroy your home...and take away your Pension Fund and "Voila" a god damn Feudal SLAVE! America becomes "the Queen's bitch"!

In reality, the families that control the Global Markets today, are virtually the same who owned the "lands of Europe" and enslaved tens of millions of commoners. Please keep in mind, that in 1380, the largest land owner in Europe...who held title to nearly 90% of the "arable" land in Europe and Russia...was the "Catholic Church".

In fact, the entire "religion" or "sect" of Protestantism was created as a "Protest" against the Church's "global" acquisition of real estate and gold created through the fiction that believers can "buy" their way out of "Pergatory" (see Meme on the false doctrine of Dante) by giving all their assets to the Church, at death.

In fact, managing the stupidly massive wealth became so burdensome for the had to create it's own investment arm...called the "Vatican", on February 11th, 1929. It was created when the Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini returned rights of "Sovereignty" and political power to the Catholic Church and Vatican City was created.

(I wonder what the Church had to pay for that?) The City that never "sins"...created by one of Europe's worst dictators?

On October 29, 1929, 160 days after the government of Vatican City was created, Wall Street crashed. Was Wall Street "stripped" of profits to create a massive "War Chest" for the creation of the Vatican as the newest "Government on earth">

It just a fascinating cooincidence that Vatican City is built on the ancient Temple of Cybele, the Earth Goddess. The Bible frequently refers to her as the Great Whore of Babylon. Her SACRED symbol and special attendant is a "castrated Bull" (Did the flegling Vatican City castrate the Great Bull of Wall Street in l929?)! Is "The Great Whore" up to her old tricks?

TOday's Market topsy turvy is 31 days after the Brithday of the Vatican.

Basically, Wall Street was invented as a "Pirate" substitute, to launder funds, and allow wealthy private families to legally steal or "repatriate" massive fortunes from each other...on a daily basis.

When Wall Street was founded, there was no such thing as "illegal" assets...sales of slaves, lead-fillers in food as a preservative and Chinese Opium from Dr. Morgan's investments..provided the Queen with massive wealth. (and EVERYBODY...wanted a piece of the action!) Let's all remember that Wall Street was created by London...long before the American revolution.

In fact, Queen Victoria was quite comfortable allowing her East India Company to "hook" nearly 100,000,000 Chinese men and women and children on Opium all in the name of "Our God" and "Her Country". Eventually, tens of millions died...under Victoria's "jaundiced" watch. If a single Royal family could invest in human misery and death...maybe, just maybe...Americans should take a lesson as to the forces and powers now alligned against us all.

Basically, Wall Street was conceived as a vast criminal enterprise. When Edison (RCA-General Electric ) first invented the electric "ticker tape" the "telegraph", invented by Samuel F B Morse (UK citizen, Westinghouse) allowed "Wall Street" to skirt the laws of commercial misrepresentation and fraud. How?

It seems the "ticker tape" was being "wired" through telegraph lines. The "Morgan family partners" would use "morse code" to hide the real "position" and value of stocks...while using "open code" to communicate false stock movement and prices to "elicit" investors.

Under all US and State law, "Fraud" could only be prosecuted if the "culprit" actually made a "Verbal Misrepresentation". In 1840, data transferred by telegraph was NOT considered a verbal representation.

The "economic wars" in the Caribbean and Asia, created a massive stores of "pre-hedge" value, that was impregnable, despite the fact it was stolen. When converted from value to cash and stacked in bundles it was larger than the Great Wall of China.

The sources of funds from Government-backed, "quasi-legitimate" piracy is still with us today. Many analysts fail to recognize that every organized "elected" government on earth is under attack by the Globalists-Illuminati/V-people, not just the U.S.

Today, the only thing that makes Wall Street look respectable is NBC and CBS and ABC. The media. Rockefeller literally owns Wall's very handy he controls the media during the rise of Wall Street's respectability.

It may take a village to raise it's own village idiot, it takes trillions to maintain the facade of legitmacy by the clandestine powers to recruit and "bend the will" of the "public face" of our elected officials. We should all keep in elected officials don't run the nation...unelected career bureaucrats do. Where does the money come from? Ask Enron!

Several years ago, I began disclosing a background of "memes" regarding the "myth of Carlyle Group takeover of US nuclear, biological and chemical weapons operations.

In addition, Enron was the primary distributor of a massive "wall of pirate cash"...which is virtually and literally the same height, width and depth of the Great Wall of China. We'll call it the Great Endless Wall Of Psuedo Bucks!

Enron's legacy is that trying to distribute the "cash" is not worth the effort. As a result, Wall-Mart-Street smart-guys created a way to "invest the value" rather than the "asset" itself..and avoid "money-laundering" rules. In addition to the fact that "stolen Gold and Silver" supports the economies of all major nations...we must all accept the fact that the United States Senate has managed to legalize almost every form of vice, except for prostitution and drugs.

Money-laundering in the US is an important part of our capital structure. As "tax collection" dwindles..funds have to come from somewhere to support the infrastructure of government. Regrettably, the "underwriters" for the great "Pirate Funds", refuse to invest it in US infrastructure.

It's frustrating to realize that "foreign governments' are in control of whether the America people "upgrade" their infrastructure, roads and bridges. I often wonder how much "foreign capital" comes from commercial operations\ that are legal in the country of origin that would be "illegal" if undertaken in the US.

Enron basically made "millions" yet distributed hundreds of millions...if not billions to politicians. and parties around the world...and that's just the official version. The first hint, which zorro revealed publicly on memes, Enron was incorporating "assets" worth tens of billions of dollars that they simply did not own. They only pretended to be solvent.

Eventually, some hedge funds appear to have "tapped" deep into the heart of the Great Endless Wall of Pirate Bucks...that just appears out of thin air to create massive fortunes.

It was "Pirate Bucks" that Enron used but couldn't account for.

Sarbanes-Oxley was supposed to stop the influx by creating enforceable accountability through accounting standards. It really didn't work. As global corporations continued to find "novel ways" of legitimizing accounting to legally cover the movement of "Dr. Morgan Funny Money".

I have no idea how any of this works. But, investing in "debt" seems to be an excellent method of avoiding accountability for sourcing of funds. In other words, it appears that the rules pertaining to the creation of the "cash" or "value" that Hedge Funds were accessing to invest may have inadvertently have enabled the Global Dark Powers to circulate the shadow "value" of "Pirate Cash" while leaving the "asset in place overseas".

It seems to me that investing in any and all forms of "debt" is just one "mil" away from illegal gambling. It's investment in the creation and maintenance of "shadow value". That means, if the "hedge asset" is "underwritten" by "Shadow Value Creators"...then the "availability" of "Shadow Funds" to "bail out" the enterprise that distributes the cash, has the power to "increase values" in the Real Estate Market.

In other words, as long as "investment dollars" are available, REGARDLESS OF SOURCES, whether legal or illegal, the value of Psuedo Cash can be mainstreamed..without ever moving a single "buck" or a single "bar of gold".

Because the "Pirate Bucks" were almost untraceable by elected governments, they were extremely hard to "regulate". In fact, the entire "structure of Political and Campaign contributions laws" is just a "rubric" to allow the tapping and laundering of Pirate Bucks, in every nation on earth.

I find it unfortunate that the RepubliKHANS have chosen to put the blame on their own Treasurer. Did he steal $1,000,000? I seriously doubt it. Did $1,000,000 vanish...? Yes! And the party is desperate to cover up their patented mage money vanishing machine. Even people & careers get vanished as well.

As I write this, I am listening to Bernanke defraud the World.

Carlyle Group's Capital Fund is apparently dead. It's going to need a "bailout" just like Bear Stearns. Many other Hedge funds will follow. It has little to do with the Residential Real Estate Market. That's just the cover story. Somebody's going to have to turn "State's Witness". Are Hedge Funds just Investment "Enrons"? Only the future will tell!

It takes a village of idiots to raise a village idiot..the same is true of the hedge takes trillions to run shadow governments in every nation on earth!

If Carlyle Group is getting bailed out is the end far behind? There's not much money to be made "laundering Uranium".

I see dread people!


I'm watching CNBC! I see fear in the eyes of the consultants and a few of the commentators! Something massive is about to happen.


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