Saturday, January 28, 2012

Who really Killed Alberto Rivera?



The Blood of the Martyrs Still flowing

And will continue flowing until the return of the Moshiac.

Who really Killed Alberto Rivera?

We want to inform you that June 20, 1997 the beloved brother in the Lord Alberto Rivera was poisoned, and the church of the Savior lost another saint in the hands of criminals. Alberto was killed in his own congregation by people He knew. These people disguised themselves as saints of the Most High and played the role of saints, with the purpose to kill and destroy Bible believing saints. The only task of this saint was to denounce apostasy and to tell the church to turn from wickedness, and to turn to the word of the Creator. May the example of Alberto Rivera be in the heart of all those who love the Savior and his cause. We want to ask you some questions, Alberto Rivera was denouncing the many wrong doings of the catholic church, and how far away are they from the Bible. He also endure the attacks from the apostates as Hank Hannegraf and CRI and other professing believers, who took and take side with Roman Catholicism against the Gospel of our Lord and Savior and the testimony of Alberto Rivera, Chick Publications and other loyals who put the bible first. Before we give you the historic information to help you to decide your own personal verdict on this murder case. We want to include in this page a dream Mrs. Ellen G. White did have 100 years before the late Mr. Alberto Rivera began denouncing in his books the Roman Catholic Church. Alberto Rivera affirmed in the video prepared by James Arrabito "Jesuits Exposed" that: ..." Even The 7th Day Adventist Church have been placed under the greatest SET-UP, I mean, the greatest SET-UP in all the history of the DENOMINATIONS"...Quoted from the video "Jesuits Exposed"

"That night I dreamed that I was in Battle Creek looking out from the side glass at the door and saw a company marching up to the house, two and two. They looked stern and determined. I knew them well and turned to open the parlor door to receive them, but thought I would look again. The scene was changed. The company now presented the appearance of a Catholic procession. One bore in his hand a cross, another a reed. And as they approached, the one carrying a reed made a circle around the house, saying three times: "This house is proscribed. The goods must be confiscated. They have spoken against our holy order." Terror seized me, and I ran through the house, out of the north door, and found myself in the midst of a company, some of whom I knew, but I dared not speak a word to them for fear of being betrayed. I tried to seek a retired spot where I might weep and pray without meeting eager, inquisitive eyes wherever I turned. I repeated frequently: "If I could only understand this! If they will tell me what I have said or what I have done!"

I wept and prayed much as I saw our goods confiscated. I tried to read sympathy or pity for me in the looks of those around me, and marked the countenances of several whom I thought would speak to me and comfort me if they did not fear that they would be observed by others. I made one attempt to escape from the crowd, but seeing that I was watched, I concealed my intentions. I commenced weeping aloud, and saying: "If they would only tell me what I have done or what I have said!" My husband, who was sleeping in a bed in the same room, heard me weeping aloud and awoke me. My pillow was wet with tears, and a sad depression of spirits was upon me" From the book By Ellen Gould White, "Testimonies For the Church" Vol 1. pag 578.

Who killed Alberto Rivera? Was Fidel Castro intelligence Agency called G-2? or Was the CIA? or Was the KGB? or.......... Was it the Jesuit order, the one he was denouncing? It is your choice to answer the question. ..."At the time of the reformation in Europe. At this time great perils surrounded the protestant cause, the anathemas of the Pope thundered against Geneva, and mighty nations threatened it with destruction. How was this little city to resist the powerful hierarchy that had so often force kings and emperors to submission? How could stand against the armies of the world's great conquerors?

Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the reformation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery. Cut off from earthly ties and human interest, dead to the claims of natural affection, reason and conscience wholly silence, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no duty but to extend its power. The gospel of the Savior had enabled its adherents to meet danger and endured suffering, undismayed by cold, hunger, toil, and poverty, to uphold the banner of truth in face of the rack, the dungeon, and the stake. To combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired it followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy.

When appearing as members of their order, they wore a garb of sanctity, visiting prisons and hospitals, ministering to the sick and the poor, professing to have renounced the world, and bearing the sacred name of the Savior, who went about doing good. But under the blameless exterior the most criminal and deadly purposes were often concealed. IT WAS A FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF THE ORDER THAT THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. By this code, lying, theft, perjury, assassination, were not only pardonable but commendable, when they serve the interest of the church. Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations. They became servants to act as spies upon their masters. They established colleges for the sons of princes and nobles, and schools for the common people; and the children of protestants parents were drawn into and observance of popish rites. All the outward pump and display of the romish worship was brought to bear to confuse the mind and dazzle and captivate the imagination, and thus the liberty for which the fathers had toiled and bled was betrayed by the sons. The Jesuits rapidly spread themselves over Europe, and wherever they went , there followed a revival of popery.

From the book "The Great Controversy" by Ellen G. White. page 234 & 235.

In the thirteenth century was established that most terrible of all the engines of the papacy--the Inquisition. The prince of darkness wrought with the leaders of the papal hierarchy. In their secret councils Satan and his angels controlled the minds of evil men, while unseen in the midst stood and angel of the Creator, taking the fearful record of their iniquitous decrees and writing the history of deeds too horrible to appear to human eyes. "Babylon the Great" was "drunken with the blood of the saints." The mangled forms of millions of martyrs cried to the Creator for vengeance upon the apostate power.

Popery had become the world's despot. Kings and emperors bowed to the decrees of the Roman pontiff. The destinies of men, both for time and for eternity, seemed under his control. For hundreds of years the doctrines of Rome had been extensively and implicitly received, its rites reverently performed, its festivals generally observed. Its clergy were honored and liberally sustained. Never since has the Roman Church attained to greater dignity, magnificence, or power. But "the noon of the papacy was the midnight of the world" --J.A. Wylie, "The History of Protestantism", b.i, ch.4. The Holy Scriptures were almost unknown, not only to the people, but to the priests. Like the Pharisees of old, the papal leaders hated the light which would reveal their sins. The Law of the Creator, the standard of righteousness, having been removed, they exercised power without limits, and practice vise without restraint. Fraud, avarice, and profligacy prevailed. Men shrank from no crime by which they could gain wealth or position. The palaces of Popes and prelates were scenes of the vilest debauchery. Some of the reigning pontiff were guilty of crimes so revolting that secular rulers endeavored to depose these dignitaries of the church as monsters too vile to be tolerated. For centuries Europe had made no progress in learning, arts, or civilization. Amoral and intellectual paralysis had fallen upon Christendom.

We recommend the reading of the following books: "The Secret History of the Jesuits" by Edmond Paris. "50 Years in the Church of Rome" by Father Charles Chiniquy. "The Great Controversy " by Ellen G. White. "History of Protestantism" by D'Aubigne.



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